How to Reduce Plastic Waste in Nepal: Eco-Friendly Travel Tips

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: How to Minimize Plastic Waste in Nepal?

Nepal is popular for its rich cultural heritage and warm hospitality. Nepal offers an unforgettable experience, breathtaking views, landscapes, and thrilling adventure. The country attracts a huge number of tourists from all around the world. However, tourism can have negative impacts too. The environments are directly impacted and plastic waste is a growing serious issue. We must be committed to protecting Nepal’s natural beauty. Here are some practical tips for reducing plastic waste while travelling in Nepal.

Why Reducing Plastic Waste is Important?

UN Environment research indicates that the tourism industry consumes key resources – energy, water, land, and materials (like fossil fuels, minerals, metals, and biomass). It has increased with its output of solid waste, sewage, loss of biodiversity, and greenhouse gas emissions. If tourism continues in the same order, by 2050 this could lead to an increase of 154% in energy consumption. Likewise, 131% in greenhouse gas emissions, and 152% in water consumption. And at last, 251% in solid waste consumption.

Plastic waste is a prime issue that degrades Nepal’s environment. The rural and remote areas lack the proper waste management facilities. The waste directly harms wildlife and pollutes water bodies and sources. They impact Nepal’s beautiful landscape. By acquiring a few eco-friendly practices, travellers can reduce the impacts and add to sustainable tourism practices.

Tips for Reducing Plastic Waste While Traveling in Nepal

Carry a Reusable Water Bottle

Replace purchasing bottled water with a reusable built-in filter water bottle. Many of the accommodation facilities, small homestays, and lodges provide safe drinking water to refill. This practice reduces the need for single-use plastic water bottles. This will directly lower plastic waste.

Carry a Reusable Shopping Bags

Usually, the local markets provide a plastic bag on your purchase. So, if you carry your reusable shopping bag, this helps to cut down on plastic consumption. It is a normal and simple way to reduce plastic waste during your travel.

Say No to Plastic Straws

A small change can impact in greater cause of plastic waste. Refuse the use of plastic straws when ordering drinks. You can use your reusable straw, ask for a paper straw, or else enjoy your drink without one.

Use of Eco-Friendly Toiletries

Use the products that are better for the environment. Opt for biodegradable soaps, shampoos, and toothpaste. To minimize plastic waste, replace liquid products packed in plastic bottles with solid shampoo bars and soaps.

Avoid Single-Use Plastics

Keep away from single-use plastic items like cutlery, plates, and cups. Carry a set of reusable utensils and a travel mug. This will drastically reduce the amount of plastic waste that is generated during your travelling days.

Choose Sustainable Accommodation

Recently, hotels and lodges have prioritized sustainable practices. You can choose to stay at eco-friendly hotels and lodges. You look for those places that reduce plastic use and waste. They believe in impacting less to the environment through energy consumption too. These hotels are also working on being self-sufficient and recycling the waste coming from them. As you support these establishments they are encouraged more for sustainable tourism practices.

Support Local Markets

Supermarket goods and products are heavily packaged. Purchase snacks and fruits from local markets as they are less packaged. Use your containers to avoid plastic bags and wrappers. This will directly support the local business and also reduce plastic waste.

Smart Packing

To minimize the plastic-wrapped items during your travel, bring your toiletries, snacks, and other essentials. Use cloth bags, and containers for your products. Be thoughtful while packing, as this can reduce your plastic footprint.

Participate in clean-up activities

Initiate campaigns like cleaning while trekking or visiting natural sites. You can also join the local clean-up initiatives too. This will directly reduce the existing waste on the trails and also raise awareness among other travellers and trekkers. This is one of the proactive ways to make a positive impact and reduce plastic waste in the region.

Educate and Advocate

Doing, learning, and sharing is an effective way to spread awareness. You can educate fellow travellers and locals by advocating the importance of waste management. You can also share your eco-friendly practices with them, which might inspire them. Showing by doing can motivate more to sustainable practices and contribute to a clean environment.

Therefore, Nepal is a fragile destination and it is crucial to preserve it. As a traveller or locals, we can promote and take a step forward to reducing plastic waste in Nepal. By adopting eco-friendly practices and tips, you can enjoy a more sustainable and responsible travel experience. We the team of Trekker Trails are committed to promoting sustainable tourism practices. Contact us for responsible and eco-friendly travel in Nepal.


Published on: June 17, 2024
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